His wife was frustrated with his desire, Untan SHIOKAWA. She continued to have a physical relationship with a young man while her husband was away. One day, an adulterous man makes a human wife sleep with medicine and sends money to his companions. A cock of the men's wild beast attacks a conscious wife. Illamachio is a relentlessly imaginative stab at the throat with a hard, sticky decatin. Soon after taking a rest, he eroded his throat one after another. Large-volume rotors and large-volume energies infuriate, continue to invade with the throat bocoy lama from the destruction of Omanko, and pour thick samen into the throat. And the wives collapsed with larynx, masturbation, spleen fuck, invertedness, manguli, golden eyebrows and unusual sex that are spread out in their bedrooms, and continue to taste heaven and hell alternately.