We will conduct a questionnaire to the beautiful wife of the city! "Sorry, I've heard about the declining birthrate in my country's investigation (aw not to be bothered by that). ..." he said, shyly and with a voice to his wife. As I went on, I said, "It's not a very loud voice, but I would like to ask you about the night's work..." "Oh, it's all of a sudden..." That's right, this time I caught a beautiful woman of the slender body type who looks like Bob. No, it's plated (laughs)"As the statistics show, there are not many married couples of this time-of-life sexless. We have specialists (experienced male actors) in such a backyard! "I'm going to give you a thank-you, so can't you have some time? It's about 15 minutes," "Well, by all means," and I received two reply. (Movement) Why don't you ask about your wife? "How long have you been married?" "Seven years." "What about your children?" "I have one." Hey, my wife is sexless! "How long have you been sexless?" "About 4.5 years." what a pale husband is it?! "What kind of sex do you like about your wife's self-confidence?" "Well, I'd like to ask... You want to be loved..." That's right! You've always been left alone, haven't you? "What kind of play do you want to play, by the way?" "P, are you playing? Well... Is it intense or something? Are you really going to get along with each other? (Laughter) Like...?" I see! Well then !! a specialist suddenly opens his wife's crotch?! "Eh?" "Don't you like your wife being a little bit of an outrage, don't you?" The hands slap from the crotch to the top, and the chest. Oh, my dear lady who has been feeling breathless for a long time. The specialist's finger went into her mouth and said, "Let me out your tongue..." When you put your tongue out as it is said, you begin to kiss like a slut. She loves her chest and chin very much as she wished. "Hey, no! I'm sorry!" And as soon as I got up to the sky, this is my wife who has switched on completely. Look at your wife, who is entangled in order to eliminate her frustration! five people. i'll see everything.