After graduating from a fashion-related vocational school, there was no particular thing I wanted to do, so one woman who somehow joined an apparel manufacturer. she doesn't have a hobby, but... She only loves sex. She started working a little while ago, but she said, "I love sex because it's boring to work here, so I wonder if I can change jobs in a fashion ... (Laughter) "But it's hard for parents to get caught up in sex, and I wish they could have sex with a proper company." at that time! she was inspiring to do something... ... She proposes to the president "expanding erotic cosplay business"! "Because the number of men and women having sex is decreasing, sales are doubled with the development of the best eroticos costumes! and measures to reduce the birthrate!" However, in the inner circle, "You can work and have sex while wearing an ecstatic costume!" "This will allow us to increase our sales, and if we wear this costume with our business partners, we'll be able to quickly hire them and contribute to our company!" The idea is too bad (laughs). and from that day on... Work happily every day and have sex! ... I wanted to work with a child like this.