Reika Mochizuki, 51 years old, decided to graduate from school after graduating from a child's school. A mother of two children who have been married for 24 years. Reika is not good at self-assertion, and she has been leaving her life to the flow until now. His parents said that he learned and went on to study, and when he was young, he was scouted by a model office in the city for magazines and advertisements. However, the only thing that such a Reika will become a wagamama is her night performance. The decline in the number of sexes you see on the border of childbirth has caused dissatisfaction and distrust for your husband. (You may end up as a woman without any more pleasure... That kind of anxiety blew my brain. Look at the sensual and disturbing sex of a former model wife that can not be imagined from a positive visual.