In the city aiming at a woman who has seen her aim in the train Demonstration of the prey that she aimed at, and fulfilling the desire to control, conquer, and raise total 4 people Black hair ponytail eyebrows white urethane mask scarlet shirt Regimen tie dark blue blazer collar check skirt black loafer schoolback satin pink pantyhose 2nd person Acupuncture Bleave blouse white blush receptacle ribbon Black lik Roofer black tin sock socked skirt Pink polyurethane mask flower pattern race gray satin bread tea & brah 3 person twin-tailed leather wool bristle bandratie red brocade brown glaze violet Squir orange stripe Pink hatchuckle granny claw bris Pink crimson gloved leek vaginal comb blemmask Twis Pink ragillow glitter Knife Pink BLWhirrel Pink bales bream Stretch Pink flapstick velcrocodi claspberry tile burrusshan ebium bunties Pink stranded lacedish broochrochequenten brothumppleen fuzzlewloat Pink Pink tiger graterranx trout Pink broudder shred brustace Pink bluff Pink gly lick brocadencecion rinkle pellusus . look at everything.