He's also a cute, smiling Punchra female high school student/breathing musician who loves men in the circle. Some of his wonderful boyfriends are so trumpet-like that he doesn't have to say anything like "I don't want him to tell me about my decatin" because he has a secret and can't help but feel ashamed when I touch his gumpy butt... (/ω\)” but I feel like I want decatin and can’t help it. pelopello... jubjub... Ferrary no ww wacky wet sesame / decatin-like presents / / / sudden intense pistols / / "Iquiquiquiquiquik -" I forgot my boyfriend already mad erotic status / / / / standing back, I went out without permission (^^;) as it is! I feel more like a big decatin than him / // morally flying / / / ... look at everything.